Category List

Tribal wall painting of West Bengal

The grant allowed me to develop my interest in tribal culture and society and painting, and to photographically document tribal art. It will be published by the Council of Cultural Growth and Cultural Relations Cuttack. The grant gave me self-confidence in fieldwork; I use the research in teaching and have inspired colleagues in the subject.

An interpretative study of the text and paintings of Sursagar from the Mewar School

I received the award at the outset of my research for the doctoral thesis. The timely award enabled me to travel to museums and document the set of paintings which formed a good portion of my research material. It also facilitated the correspondence with various other museums abroad and in India, enablng me to gather information regarding their collections and most specifically the Sursagar set of Mewar that I was working on. I could also use the money of the award on processing of photographs of the paintings, copies of which I evenutally sent to the Trust as part of my project report.
