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Past in Present: Care of the Gothic Revival

Although I had been in the UK for a year and had obtained an MA in Conservation Studies from the Institute of Advanced Arhitectural Studies, University of York on a Charles Wallace India Trust scholarship, and had formal qualifications, I was lacking practical training. This is where the Fellowship was tailor made. In India I had the distinction of being one of the earliest practicising conservation architectects, but in retrospect I feel that this fellowship made all the difference to my career.

Understanding processes and practices of Collection Management at the V&A

The award gave me opportunity to understand the Collection Management System. It has enhanced my knowledge to adopt and create an effective collection management system in the museum where I am working. After coming back to India, I have given plans to adopt a proper collection management system, to undertake the digitization of the entire collection, re-organise the storage by using modern technologies, to undertake auditing and spot check of the collections.
