Category List

A study of Hebbar and his contemporaries

This award was given to me when a student in MS University Baroda. It was timely and helped me to be more articulate by using photographs, travelling to Mumbai to meet the late K K Hebbar. My document was the first critical assessment of the artist and was published in Bangalore (where I was then Lecturer at Chritakala Parishath, in the local language Kannada.

The Silharas of Kohlapur, A survey of temples in Kohlapur and vicinity

This project built on my MA dissertation (MS University of Baroda) "the Koppesvara temple at Khidrapur: a study of architectural renovations". That work focused on the stylisc analysis of the temple architecture. A large number of temples of this period have been destroyed or perished over time, and there was a clear need to develop more detailed documentation of the Kolhapur area in the Sikhara period. This grant allowed me to make a start with this work. I hope (2001) to undertake the study of the architecture of the Northern and Southern Konkan for a PhD.

Sculptural Bas reliefs in Western Indian Caves (2nd Century BC to 3rd Century AD)

During 1990 Shri N M Deshpande, one of the doyens of Indian archaeology, suggetsed that as nobody had studied the sculptural bas reliefs in early Buddhist caves in Maharashtra, I should try to study them. While conducting the primary study on the area, I was transferred to Madras, and lost hope of continuing my interest with this transfer and shelved the project, but a friend suggested that I apply to the NTICVA for a grant. I did so and was very happy to receive the grant.
