Category List

Research, study and display of historical arms and armour of Saurashtra, Gujarat, and Rajputana

The grant assisted with documentation of conservation and display techniques for arms and armour in the UK and was held in conjunction with a UK Travel Award.

Study on materials and records about the Madras Museum

The detailed history of museums has not been attempted much in India, but I had an inkling that such a detailed study might throw considerable light on development of the museum as an institution in our country. I also felt that the Madras Museum, which was in its 15th decade at that time, could be an ideal starting point for such a study because it had been carefully of the Madras Museum. The grant made searching for records and information in the Tamil Nadu State Archives, the Asiatic Society in Calcutta, and in the Madras Museum itself.

Study of National Museum of Bhutan: Present and Future Prospects

This award was very useful in allowing me to develop a wide range of knowledge about the history and future prospects of the National Museum, and had a great impact on my career. The findings have been communicated to my colleagues in the National Museum and elsewhere.

The formative years of the Madras Museum

The detailed history of museums has not been attempted much in India, but I had an inkling that such a detailed study may throw considerable light on development of the museum as an institution in our country. I also felt that the Madras Museum, which was in its 15th decade at that time, could be an ideal starting point for such a study because it had been carefully groomed through the years of its existence to attain an eminent position in its field. The first award from the NTICVA to me was meant to carry out such a study of the first gfive decades of the Madras Museum.
