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Study on materials and records about the Madras Museum

The detailed history of museums has not been attempted much in India, but I had an inkling that such a detailed study might throw considerable light on development of the museum as an institution in our country. I also felt that the Madras Museum, which was in its 15th decade at that time, could be an ideal starting point for such a study because it had been carefully of the Madras Museum. The grant made searching for records and information in the Tamil Nadu State Archives, the Asiatic Society in Calcutta, and in the Madras Museum itself.

A project to record and document Folk Art and Craft in the villages of Chandigarh

At the time I received the award, I had already crossed the first phase of my career. Looking for some encouragement or motivation to start afresh. At an individual level the award provided a psychological boost allowing me to work with a new zeal. The research that I carried out has had both an impact on my career and professional inclination. Earlier I was a self-centered artist pursuing my own creative urges. However this project has opened new vistas and changed my perspective towards the utility of art.

Contemporary arts in Bengal: modernity and status

This grant was helpful in preparing a convincing research proposal for the doctoral programme at the Faculty of Fine Arts, the M S University of Baroda. Subsequently I was engaged in documentation works towards the study. The research experience also gave me the confidence to handle the ambitions and take part in a major art exhibition - Art of Bengal, Past and Present - a joint venture with the Centre of International Modern Art, Kolkata.

A study of  Bihara ki Laka Kalayen, the Folk Art of Bihar

This grant assisted me in my research work for a PhD dissertation on folk art in Bihar. The PhD dissertation was submitted in 2001.
