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Local gods and popular culture: a study of mother goddess worship in an urban setting

I was awarded this grant while pursuing doctoral research, and will submit my dissertation in summer 2001. The grant allowed me to travel to fieldsites, to undertake photography, and to cover other costs of fieldwork and report preparation and to achieve more ambitious documentation of craft and folk traditions than I would otherwise have achieved. It also made me self-confident, and strengthened and boosted my morale. I am planning to publish articles in academic journals and have lectured to American students on these topics.

Video documentation of museum objects in Tamil Nadu

The project bult on my earlier award from the NTICVA and focused on the Nayak temples in Tamil Nadu. This in turn led to a major research project funded by the University Grants Commission.

Iconography of Narasimha as portrayed in literature and sculpture with special reference to Tamilnadu

The topic chosen for the first award was not a usual one and I had to visit most of the places from where I had drawn reference. The fieldwork done for this award was a very exciting experience it helped me to look into many other aspects connected with t. The study has actually resulted in a source book for future reference and this is in my opinion the most satisfying part of the Study Grant.
