An iconographical study of Varaha images in the Vaishnava temples of Tamil Nadu
Nageswaraswamy Temple: a Study
The award provided the financial support to undertake a study of the temple, and allowed me to take photographs of the architecture and images in the temple. This research will assist me in my teaching of M.Phil and PhD students.
A monograph on Sendalai temple, Thanjavur
This grant enabled me to do several things. It allowed me to cover many places on my fieldwork and to meet the costs of photography. A basic idea on inscriptions became my main thrust and focus. This led to studying one temple in detail, and I got the opportunity to examine different dimensions of its structure and organisation.
Local gods and popular culture: a study of mother goddess worship in an urban setting
I was awarded this grant while pursuing doctoral research, and will submit my dissertation in summer 2001. The grant allowed me to travel to fieldsites, to undertake photography, and to cover other costs of fieldwork and report preparation and to achieve more ambitious documentation of craft and folk traditions than I would otherwise have achieved. It also made me self-confident, and strengthened and boosted my morale. I am planning to publish articles in academic journals and have lectured to American students on these topics.