I was able to study 80 temples and their sculptures in South Arcot, thus increasing my knowledge of this subject. I subsequently registered for a PhD degree.
For the study of the architecture and sculpture of Saivite, Chola temples of South Arcot District
I was able to study 80 temples and their sculptures in South Arcot, thus increasing my knowledge of this subject. I subsequently registered for a PhD degree.
Amaravati marbles: Study and Care
The Government Museum, Chennai holds a very significant collection of sculptures, in particular the sculptures from the Buddhist site of Amaravati. I took up the Fellowship in November 2000 in order to see the collection of Amaravati sculptures in the British Museum and to learn about display and conservation techniques. I learned from the British Museum how they had refurbished the Hotung and Asahi Shimbun galleries. The British Museum has conserved all the Amaravati sculptures and then mounted them on steel frames supported by treated rubber cushions.
Study of South Indian sculpture in UK museum collections.
I visited many museums in the UK during my stay there, and both documented South Indian sculptures and bronzes and display methods. I subsequently developed display methods for the Government Museums at Vellore and Cuddalore. Since then I have received a fellowship awarded by the Institute for Social Science and Research at Vellore. I delivered about 100 lectures in the period between 1994 and 2001 to college and school students, Rotary and other clubs, and groups of visitors to the Vellore museum.